The study on cognition carried out by Ruhr University Bochum was published in the “Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease”. It shows significant improvements in cognitive abilities. 70% of the participants with MCI were lifted into the non-MCI range as a result of the training.
Here you can find the paper of the study:
go4cognition: Evaluation of a Newly Developed Multicomponent Intervention in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Liseck et al., J Alzheimers Dis 2024 Apr 26.
Background: Cognitive training and physical exercise show positive effects on cognitive decline in subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Multimodal interventions for MCI patients, combining physical and cognitive training in a social context seem to slow down cognitive decline.
Objective: Based on a previous study, a new mobile gamification tool (go4cognition; has been developed to train cognitive and physical functions simultaneously in a group setting. It involves tasks targeting various cognitive functions (short-term memory, working memory, executive functions). The computer-based setup allows for individual performance analysis. This study evaluated the effects of this tool.
Methods: 30 participants with MCI, as defined by the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD) cut-off-score, aged between 66 and 89 years, trained for one hour two days a week for twelve weeks. Additionally, standard neuropsychological assessment of memory and attention was carried out before and after the intervention.
Results: The go4cognition device is highly effective in improving various cognitive functions. A significant improvement in the CERAD total score resulting in re-classification of 70% of former MCI patients into non-MCI patients was found. Additionally, an improvement of verbal fluency, verbal memory, spatial memory, and attention was observed. Furthermore, the CERAD total score was significantly correlated with performance in the go4cognition tool.
Conclusions: The results of the intervention support the idea of the effectiveness of a combined cognitive and motor intervention by incorporating neuropsychological paradigms in a group setting and suggest a close relation between combined cognitive and physical exercise and cognitive performance.
Physical Activity
The study on exercise carried out by Witten-Herdecke University shows an increase of 30% in the number of steps walked on training days compared to days without training.
Preventing dementia – activating senior citizens
In order to prevent the threat of dementia and to activate senior citizens, an interdisciplinary team of specialists from various institutions – including neuropsychologists, sports scientists, doctors, care scientists and software developers – developed a new type of memory training with exercise that improves the mental and physical abilities of senior citizens in the “go4cognition” research project.
This project was funded by the European Union and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
The following were involved in the research:
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Klinische Neuropsychologie)
- Hamburger Fernhochschule (Studienzentrum Essen, Gesundheit und Pflege)
- BG Klinik Duisburg
- Seniorenzentrum „Gute Hoffnung“ Oberhausen
- Ontaris Wuppertal
The beginning
In the first part of the project, around 40 older people with MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) from the Oberhausen senior center took part in a training program at the Athletikum Rhein Ruhr of the BG Unfallklinik in Duisburg. At the heart of this movement laboratory is a sensor-equipped mat system. It is normally used by competitive athletes and rehabilitation patients after accidents to train gait and running patterns, coordination, explosive starts and dynamic changes of direction, for example. However, the mat system is also very suitable for training the physical and cognitive skills of people with MCI. The Oberhausen seniors, who will be at the Athletikum Rhein Ruhr for six weeks and twelve training sessions, will complete a predetermined course with numbered contact fields several times. The order of the fields to be approached – for example 1, 8, 7, 3 – is only briefly presented to the test subjects on a screen. In order to find the right path, the test subjects have to memorize the sequence of numbers, search for the correct fields and then navigate to them in a targeted manner. This combination of cognitive training and physical exercise trains mental and physical fitness.
You can find two TV reports on YouTube:
Based on the experience and results in the Athletikum, Ontaris has developed a new high-tech system that is mobile and can be set up quickly.
In the pilot phase, this new system was tested with 6 groups of 10-12 people each. This phase was scientifically supported by the clinical neuropsychology department at Ruhr University Bochum and Witten-Herdecke University.
The training with the newly developed system was carried out over a period of 2 years in the facilities of Good Hope in Oberhausen, in the Feierabendhäuser of Diakonie Ruhr in Witten and in Solingen at the Regionalbüro Bergisches Land / Hauspflegeverein Solingen e.V..
go4cognition: Further information
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Stefan Orth (CEO)
Phone: +49 (202) 37155-10
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